About Us

We here at Bikersnos are constantly searching far and wide to find the best deals on Harley Davidson New Old Stock Parts, Harley Davidson Riding Apparel and the cleanest  Harley Take Off Parts out there. We ride thousands of miles on our Motorcycles tracking down Harley parts and leads to save these parts from wasting away in a long forgotten Harley Davidson Dealers back rooms and warehouses. It is our mission to find and get these NOS parts into your capable hands, at a fair and reasonable price, so you can get back in the wind fast, and on the cheap. Along the way we have had the privilege, and the pleasure, of riding with some of the most awesome human beings and seeing this beautiful country. And sometimes some pretty crazy $h*t! 

BikerNOS a division of Hickman Sales is owned and operated by Terry Hickman. Store is located at 125 Thunderbird Ln Suite 209. East Peoria IL 61611